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Diploma 1 - Revision Course

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Dear Students


Welcome to the Brilliant Beer Company Distance learning programme for the June 2015 exams.


My name is Tim O’Rourke and I will be your Diploma 1 distance learning course tutor.

My contact details are:



My task is to help you understand the Diploma 1 module content from raw materials through brewhouse to wort cooling and to help you develop the most effective way to answer the questions. I am not involved with setting or marking the examination and hence my comments and feedback are based on personal knowledge and do not represent the examiners comments.


The distance learning programme is designed to take you through the Diploma 1 course contents and through assignments help you prepare for the exam in June. The assignments are provided for your own education and does not form part of your examination grade.


I look forward to working with you to make this both enjoyable and successful study I am here to support you all the way to the exams.


Kind regards


Tim O’Rourke

Tutor Diploma 1


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